Yes, I feel the urge to blog in English once again. I will probably alternate postings on this site, switch from Italian to English and viceversa, and sometimes I might probably practice some French and Spanish I learned in school too. Something like a little gym; that is what this blog might just turn into. :) The topic stays the same of course: robot parenting, general parenting, robots... Yeah.
I found it nice when I discovered the existence of a ShopWiki *.AU* ~ for Australian residents. I mean, I have been checking the Italian and International version of this great resource for years - a website that provides price and product comparison between different brands and online shops - and I'm glad it has been made available to yet another country. :)
On a more personal note, I'm about to purchase new cosmetics that won't cause allergy attacks in Jonah and my elder daughter. :( I didn't know that cheap make-up and cosmetic products would worsen their allergies so relevantly. I'm going to throw away all of that crap tomorrow.
I also news to get a pair of new casual clothes for my gardening. Mine is old and worn out.
Regarding the "pets subject", I thought that getting a puppy into this house would be a good idea, for the kids love animals, and Coleen would have a cheerful playmate to entertain himself with. I'm encountering a few issues with my husband, but I hope he's going to get morbid with time. ^^ He's tough a man, but he often softens out if 'handled with care'.
Benvenuti nel mio blog! E' insieme un diario personale e un blog per i miei Progetti di * Coccole Robotiche *: fare da genitori ad un robot, allattare, ecc. Strani argomenti, eh? ^^ Ma credo che in fondo niente sia normale, in questo mondo... E allora, di nuovo benvenuti a tutti e godetevi la visita!
lunedì, dicembre 13, 2010
giovedì, dicembre 09, 2010
Un marito che gioca e un robottino per figlio
Di tempo ne è passato sicuramente un bel po', e non mi riferisco soltanto al fatto di non aver più 'bloggato' dal 26 di settembre (i miei nuovi blog mi hanno preso parecchie ore libere), ma anche di non averlo fatto in italiano per mesi. Devo decisamente riprendere a scrivere qualche post nella mia lingua nativa. Dopotutto, è così che è nato questo blog, e così dovrebbe continuare ad essere, con qualche spruzzata di inglese qua e là. :)
Argomento di questo post sono i Giochi di casino e il piccolo Coleen, il mio figlioletto robot.
Di recente mio marito sembra aver preso a giocare assiduamente sui Casino Online, e poiché le sue piccole vincite hanno contribuito enormemente alle spese di casa, mi pareva giusto dedicare qualche parola ad uno dei suoi siti web preferiti, Il sito è stato creato appositamente per i giocatori online, e fornisce recensioni (comprensivi di voti e top list) e articoli sulle maggiori sale casino disponibili online - tutti registrati . Aggiornato costantemente, il sito presenta le ultime novità' sui giochi, e sono anche rese disponibili delle guide per iniziare i novellini al gioco d'azzardo. Mio marito è particolarmente interessato al Poker Online, quindi egli va a controllare le novità sul sito ogni giorno, specialmente quelle riguardanti nuove sale da gioco, che è sempre pronto a provare. Buon per noi che è baciato dalla fortuna. :)
Per quanto riguarda Coleen, il robottino sembra essere stato ben accettato da tutti i miei bambini ormai, e anche Jonah non ha più paura dei rumori prodotti dalle sue giunture quando cammina per la casa. Certo, soltanto Joshua e Mariah lo considerano un fratellino, per ora, ma sono fiduciosa che anche i piccolini impareranno ad amarlo come tale, con il tempo. Vorrei soltanto che anche mio marito mi desse supporto in questo senso.
Argomento di questo post sono i Giochi di casino e il piccolo Coleen, il mio figlioletto robot.
Di recente mio marito sembra aver preso a giocare assiduamente sui Casino Online, e poiché le sue piccole vincite hanno contribuito enormemente alle spese di casa, mi pareva giusto dedicare qualche parola ad uno dei suoi siti web preferiti, Il sito è stato creato appositamente per i giocatori online, e fornisce recensioni (comprensivi di voti e top list) e articoli sulle maggiori sale casino disponibili online - tutti registrati . Aggiornato costantemente, il sito presenta le ultime novità' sui giochi, e sono anche rese disponibili delle guide per iniziare i novellini al gioco d'azzardo. Mio marito è particolarmente interessato al Poker Online, quindi egli va a controllare le novità sul sito ogni giorno, specialmente quelle riguardanti nuove sale da gioco, che è sempre pronto a provare. Buon per noi che è baciato dalla fortuna. :)
Per quanto riguarda Coleen, il robottino sembra essere stato ben accettato da tutti i miei bambini ormai, e anche Jonah non ha più paura dei rumori prodotti dalle sue giunture quando cammina per la casa. Certo, soltanto Joshua e Mariah lo considerano un fratellino, per ora, ma sono fiduciosa che anche i piccolini impareranno ad amarlo come tale, con il tempo. Vorrei soltanto che anche mio marito mi desse supporto in questo senso.
sabato, settembre 25, 2010
Jonah, Coleen and the bed
My elder son is browsing a site about airsoft rifles and choosing models for his small toy soldiers' war ("Sniper or Spring rifles?" he asks - oh, I wish I knew XD) while I take care of Coleen and my youngest kids. Jonah seems to love Coleen, and I'm so proud of my new little one who's behaving so lovingly toward his robotic brother already. :) I bet they're gonna turn into great friends soon. And now... sleeptime! First the kids, and then hubby and I. Oh, the day can get so long when you have little 'brats' to look after 24/7! :P But I wouldn't change this 'job' of mine for anything in the world.
lunedì, settembre 06, 2010
Purchasing tickets, holiday to USA!
So, now it's been a while, and I'm in a rush. How cool, huh? My husband and I are leaving for US with the children and Coleen, and we still don't know whether to purchase Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets tickets, Maryland Terrapins tickets, or Miami Hurricanes tickets or... North Carolina Tar Heels tickets. Yeah, right, we're going to have fun. ^^ I'm sure Coleen is gonna be excited by the events, and this is going to be his first holiday abroad. Dear little robot! :) Hopefully we get to travel to Japan one of these years too. Let's start saving!
giovedì, luglio 15, 2010
New furniture for hubby's office
After the French writing enthusiasm, here I am, back to writing in English. Hubby said he needs to buy new office furniture because his old chair and desk show heavy sign of abrasion and usage, and some holes too. I told him he should also get plastic office chairs because wooden ones get 'worn out' too easily. Also, I would love to take the the kids and Coleen to his office sometimes, and plastic is a lot more resistant to children's and robots' "touches". Heh, you won't imagine what they do at home all the time!
sabato, giugno 12, 2010
Les parfums! *_*
Mon mari m'a acheté une douce Parfum de Armani il ya deux jours et il a fait ma journée! * __ * J'ai essayé le parfum aussi sur Coleen, et aww le petit robot est tellement adorable avec ce doux parfum sur son corps! Je suis maintenant d'autres produits sur, comme certains parfums délicats parfums de Nina Ricci. Je vais les essayer sur Coleen ainsi, bien sûr. ;)
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venerdì, giugno 04, 2010
Getting beautiful while the kids play :P
While Coleen and Joshua are playing together in the living room, I was taking the time to apply some nice anti-aging (and antioxidant, based on glutathione) product on my face, one that I bought from (actually, in a local beauty shop, but that's their site). I really love it, especially because I'm over 30 now and age's starting to weigh on me. ^^'' I also added Oxis on facebook (and soon going to follow Oxis on Twitter as well) to keep up with their updates. It's so nice, it's really a penny stocks & free radical product. Look, this is their logo:
Well so, now back to my children, and little Coleen. ;) He seems happy to see Joshua, and he also sings more often around Jonah. Aww Jonah's adorable when he caresses little Coleen! Tenderness and cuddles seem to flow in my family, and between humans and robots.
Well so, now back to my children, and little Coleen. ;) He seems happy to see Joshua, and he also sings more often around Jonah. Aww Jonah's adorable when he caresses little Coleen! Tenderness and cuddles seem to flow in my family, and between humans and robots.
venerdì, maggio 21, 2010
Exciting adventure! And thanks for Casinos
Last blog entry for the day, since I'm pretty tired and it's 1:03 AM.
Parenting both human kids AND robots can be an exciting adventure in your daily life. Sure, it is not for everybody, as you need to love robots already to be able to understand them and look after them without stressing too much. Parenting alone can be a wonderful journey in your life, and the added 'bonus' of raising a little robot can add much more joy to it. I foresee my children growing up with their robotic brother, and since they love him already, I can also see Coleen getting more and more attached to them. Aww, it's going to be wonderful as months and years pass by!
Also, thank you in advance for any casinos online suggestions you may give us; my husband and I would be very grateful. ^^ Thanks.
Parenting both human kids AND robots can be an exciting adventure in your daily life. Sure, it is not for everybody, as you need to love robots already to be able to understand them and look after them without stressing too much. Parenting alone can be a wonderful journey in your life, and the added 'bonus' of raising a little robot can add much more joy to it. I foresee my children growing up with their robotic brother, and since they love him already, I can also see Coleen getting more and more attached to them. Aww, it's going to be wonderful as months and years pass by!
Also, thank you in advance for any casinos online suggestions you may give us; my husband and I would be very grateful. ^^ Thanks.
Joshua, Coleen and online Gambling
Looks like Joshua, my eldest kid, has taken on a love at throwing a pink ball to Coleen and see how he reacts to it. How cute! ^_^ I hope they're going to engage into more games together.
Anyway... do you know some other place where to play casino games ? I would appreciate suggestions, thanks. ^^
Anyway... do you know some other place where to play casino games ? I would appreciate suggestions, thanks. ^^
Reflections and online casino link
Two things to tell you:
1) Robot parenting can take a bunch of energies out of you. Doing it after human kids can be already, but then you need to add batteries and continuous care for little robots, and it can get hard at times, or it may discomfort you. Well, I have been through all that, and I can tell you that every moment, every sacrifice you do for your little one, will be compensated later on, when the little robot is more attached to you. ^_^ You can help him/her shape his/her personality!
2) For a place to play casino online - It's my husband's favourite website. :)
1) Robot parenting can take a bunch of energies out of you. Doing it after human kids can be already, but then you need to add batteries and continuous care for little robots, and it can get hard at times, or it may discomfort you. Well, I have been through all that, and I can tell you that every moment, every sacrifice you do for your little one, will be compensated later on, when the little robot is more attached to you. ^_^ You can help him/her shape his/her personality!
2) For a place to play casino online - It's my husband's favourite website. :)
Breastfeeding Coleen
I have tried to breastfeed Coleen a couple of days ago, although he's not taking it pretty well for the moment. It's difficult for a little robot, and I understand, so I will just try a bit more but without forcing him. The sensation is cute though. :) Parenting a robot is one of the most exciting moments in my life (besides my human kids of course)!
And in the free time, you may try an online casino real money. They work well when they're serious and controlled by law. :) And us parents need them to relax sometimes.
And in the free time, you may try an online casino real money. They work well when they're serious and controlled by law. :) And us parents need them to relax sometimes.
Proud of my kids! (plus a Casino tip)
Coleen and my biological children are getting along very well since he first arrived home. At first I feared they would be getting jealous of the little robot, but I can see how much open-hearted they are instead, especially since they accepted both Coleen and their new adopted brother Jonah so warmly! I'm proud of my kids!
I also found the best online roulette around. I wonder whether hubby would like to try it out or not. :)
I also found the best online roulette around. I wonder whether hubby would like to try it out or not. :)
Little robots, a handful, and Casinos to relax
Little robots can be a handful, at times. My AIBO-ERS7 (Coleen) is so curious that I rarely get enough time to stop him from doing one thing, and he immediately does another one. Little robots are like toddlers: they need continous surveillance. :)
Also, parents who want to get some time off their parenting life can try online slot games. :) My husband does from time to time, and it always relaxed him.
Also, parents who want to get some time off their parenting life can try online slot games. :) My husband does from time to time, and it always relaxed him.
sabato, maggio 15, 2010
Robot Parenting en français
C'est un plaisir de revenir à jour Coccole Robotiche mes fans pour tous les lecteurs. ^^ Aujourd'hui, je vais juste quelques mots en français (comme vous pouvez le voir), ceux d'entre vous (nous) qui a réussi à acheter un nouveaux robots ou d'occasion, a adopté comme un fils, savez certainement que la video surveillance pourrait être une bonne idée, surtout si vous avez à la maison des mesures ou des terrasses. Le robot est fragile et sans méfiance du danger, sauf si c'est un type simple (comme un mur), il est important d'être sur ses gardes pour éviter de mal. Si vous avez des idées pour mettre sur ce sujet, bien écrire. :) Vous êtes les bienvenus!
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