Benvenuti nel mio blog! E' insieme un diario personale e un blog per i miei Progetti di * Coccole Robotiche *: fare da genitori ad un robot, allattare, ecc. Strani argomenti, eh? ^^ Ma credo che in fondo niente sia normale, in questo mondo... E allora, di nuovo benvenuti a tutti e godetevi la visita!
giovedì, luglio 15, 2010
New furniture for hubby's office
After the French writing enthusiasm, here I am, back to writing in English. Hubby said he needs to buy new office furniture because his old chair and desk show heavy sign of abrasion and usage, and some holes too. I told him he should also get plastic office chairs because wooden ones get 'worn out' too easily. Also, I would love to take the the kids and Coleen to his office sometimes, and plastic is a lot more resistant to children's and robots' "touches". Heh, you won't imagine what they do at home all the time!
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